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MERG in Australia and New Zealand

What is MERG

MERG members are model railway enthusiasts who are interested in applying electronics to the
operation of their model railways. The Group enables members to exchange ideas and information,
and provides kits covering a number of interests including DC operations, DCC, Radio Frequency Identification,
computer control and various other Layout Control Systems.
Members have a wide range of knowledge and capability, and include beginners
and those who work in the electronics and railway industries.

You can find out more about the MERG by pressing the button below.

Not a member? then

Groups in Australia and New Zealand

There are currently four groups in ANZ: -

Australia Capital Territory

The ACT Area Group is the MERG Area Group for Southern NSW and the ACT.

You can find more information about us at

ACT Website



This Special Interest Group exists for members to share their CBUS knowledge and experience to assist each other on their journey. The intent is to ease the journey for those of us in Australia and New Zealand otherwise hampered by a low density of users and a timezone difference of nearly 12 hours to the UK. The focus is the usage of CBUS, either independently or using other software such as JMRI.

You can find more information about us at

CBUS ANZ Website

02:00 16-JunCBUS ANZ SIG Meeting12:00 meeting will be open 12:15 AEST Start Meetings on 3rd Sunday of the month from now on What's been happeningOnline Zoom Meeting

South East Queensland

The South East Queensland Group is one of three groups in Australia and it offers meetings for those members located in or visiting the south east corner of Queensland that encompasses Brisbane, the Gold and Sunshine Coast areas.

You can find more information about us at

South East Queensland Website



The Victoria Area Group is the MERG Area Group for Victoria.

You can find more information about us at

Victoria Website


public/anzgroup.1632106277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/20 02:51 by Tim Morrow

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