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MERG Northern Ireland Area Group (NIAG)

How do I contact the Area Group

Please indicate Northern Ireland Area Group in your message Contact MERG

Who are the leaders of the group?

Mike Hanna M3247 Chairman
John Gough M4181 Hon Secretary
Denis Stewart M3288 Hon Treasurer

Would you like to join today?

Not a member? then

and sign up to this Area Group. If you are already a member

Select Northern Ireland Area Group from the drop down list in Other Area Groups and press the Subscribe to Area Group button.

How do you meet?

We meet on the 1st Saturday of each month at 2pm in Cooke Centenary Presbyterian Church Halls, Park Road, Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 2FY.

Meetings are usually a mix of workshop and help sessions with more formal teaching / learning sessions or presentations based on topics requested by the Members.

Tea and Biscuits are on tap throughout the meetings for a small attendance charge.

​All members are welcome and anyone interested in joining our Area Group is welcome to test us out at any meeting. Just use the contact details above to make arrangements.

And the Next Meeting?



We normally exhibit at all the major shows across the Province:

  • Bangor - at both the North Down MRC and 1st Bangor MRC,
  • Belfast - at the Ulster Model Railway Exhibition,
  • Cultra - at the Folk and Transport Museum and, on alternate years, in Whitehead at the Railway Preservation Society Museum,
  • Enniskillen.

So keep a lookout for shows in your area. Come to the stand and say Hello.

public/northernireland.1677157521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/23 13:05 by grovenor

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