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MERG Somerset Area Group

MERG Somerset Area Group

How do I contact the Somerset Area Group

Click to send us a message,
MERG Somerset Area Group contact form

Who are the leaders of the group?

M1925 Paul Howes Group Leader
M4418 Anthony Braithwaite Deputy Group Leader
M6456 Malcolm Asker Group Communications Officer

Can I join you today?

Then make sure you join the Somerset Area Group when you are signed up and bolster the 240 members currently subscribed to our Area Group.

Select Somerset Area Group from the drop down list in Other Area Groups and press the Subscribe to Area Group button.

How do you meet?

The group normally meets on the first Saturday of every month between 10am and 1pm in Yeovil, Somerset. Meetings include some or all of the following:

  • A presentation
  • A session on a group project
  • A practical workshop

Occasionally we meet from 10am to 4pm for an extended workshop session. Dates for meetings are held in the MERG meetings diary unless otherwise stated or see When are the next Meetings? below.

The meetings are normally held at St James Church, Preston Road, Yeovil. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting can get directions from the group via the contact form.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTIONS ON GATHERINGS AND TRAVEL Due to the restrictions all our meetings are currently online using Zoom video conferencing software. Zoom is easy to use so please join us online.

Do you hold workshops?

“Yes we do, sometimes together with a meeting sometimes a separate event.”

  • Members bring their own kits to assemble with help from others in the group where required
  • Members bring their own built kit for where they have failed to get it working or need to share test equipment
  • Any electronic circuit is welcome not just MERG kits
  • Members work on the current group projects together
  • Members interconnect working kits and add hardware to learn how kits can work together

When are the next meetings?

11:00 21-JunMERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee BreakThis is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes. Online Zoom Meeting
10:00 06-JulMERG Somerset Area Group MeetingThis is an online meeting subjects to be decided. To get zoom joining information ensure that you are subscribed to the Somerset Area Group in (Your Profile) and view the meeting in (My Upcoming Events).Online Zoom Meeting

Zoom online Meetings If you are already a MERG member, then You need to subscribe to the Somerset Area Group which ensures you get an emailed invite to all the above meetings

Edit Area Groups using the green pencil. Then select Somerset Area Group from the drop down list in Other Area Groups and press the Subscribe to Area Group button.

Where can I see what the group gets up to?

public/somerset.1594030440.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/06 10:14 by phowes

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