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MERG Weekend at Missenden Abbey 11th -13th October 2013

There are still some places left on the course, but accommodation is getting really tight. When you book, please ask to go on the “wait list” or you can choose a local bed and breakfast. Dinner and Bar will still be in the Abbey.

We had a cracking Summer Retreat with a surprising number of Electronics projects successfully completed.

This year the programme for the weekend will include:

Mike Bolton: Advanced Train and Layout Control (CBUS etc)

This is a workshop format group, where you can work on whatever subject or project you wish, with the advice, support and help of our experienced tutors. Subjects we can cover include (but not limited to) any of the following:

  • Theory
  • Layout wiring
  • Opportunity to build MERG CANCMD (CBUS based DCC Controllers) controllers, accessory encoders and decoders
  • Demonstration of surface mounted technology soldering
  • CBUS – The MERG layout control system – construction, testing, programming and update on the CBUS project.

Pete Brownlow: Basic/Intermediate Layout and Train Control

This is another workshop format group, where you can work on whatever subject or project you wish, with the advice, support and help of our experienced tutors. Subjects we can cover include (but not limited to) any of the following:

  • Choosing between Digital (DCC) and analogue (DC) control
  • Selecting the best DCC module for your locomotive, installation, testing and programming for optimum performance
  • Solving DCC problems
  • Layout wiring considerations
  • Getting started in CBUS

Howard Watkins: Electronics for the Bewildered (beginners in electronics ):

  • The difference between electrical and kit construction soldering
  • Practical - soldering wires to track
  • Soldering components
  • Wiring a point for live frog operation
  • Wiring a point for DCC
  • Point motors and how to drive them
  • Wiring for layouts whether Analogue or Digital Command Control
  • Power supplies and Controllers
  • Preparation of PCB, component identification and preparation
  • Use of measuring instruments
  • Measuring voltages
  • Relationship between voltage and current
  • Practical - building a simple circuit
  • Testing and fault finding.
  • Selecting suitable kits for your model railway application

Bob Gledhill: Designing for and using a Laser Cutter/Engravers (including 4 projects for you to use)

  • A brief (non-technical) introduction to Laser Cutter/Engravers.
  • Health and Safety considerations when using the Laser Cutter - which is considerably safer than using knives etc., for cutting card and plastic.
  • Setting up the machine and the power/speed options available to achieve various results on different materials.
  • Simple cuts on card, plastic and wood from .DXF files.
  • Engraving on different materials from .BMP file for more details

  • Barry Norman: Scenery and Baseboards
  • Kevin Wilson: 7mm Locomotive Construction
  • Tim Shackleton: Weathering and Airbrushing
  • Tony Gee: 4mm Locomotive Construction

As usual, you will be able to order MERG kits, and build/test them with expert help on hand to ensure you go home with a working project.

So whatever your interest in the practical applications of Electronics for Model Railways, you are sure benefit from a weekend of uninterrupted modeling, in a great venue, with the best of tutors and the company of like minded people.

Full details on our website at:-

Christopher Langdon
MERG member 336 and Course Organiser
Missenden Abbey Railway Modelling Weekends

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