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Replace Somewhere with the name of your area group.

MERG Virtual Area Group

Replace photo with a area group meeting photo

How do I contact the Area Group

* Replace NN with the number of your area group - get from the AG admin page. Update the contact form title. *

Who is the leader of the group?

Replace photo with the names and titles of leaders.

Allan Geekie

Would you like to join today?

Update area group name.

Not a member? then

and sign up to this Area Group. If you are already a member

Edit Area Groups using the green pencil. Then select Virtual Area Group from the drop down list in Other Area Groups and press the Subscribe to Area Group button.

How do you meet?

Provide meeting details

The Virtual Area Group uses a Zoom video call to meet every Tuesday for an hour or more.

The times vary to try and make the calls work for different time zones. We regularly welcome members from: -

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • UK
  • USA.

Calls are recorded and made available to all members through MERG TV; presentation materials are also available.

And the Next Meeting?

* Replace NN with the number of your area group - get from the AG admin page. Update the contact form title. *

20:00 05-JulMonthly Virtual AG meetingOnline Zoom Meeting

MERG Virtual Area Group

The Virtual Area Group uses a Zoom video call to meet every Tuesday for an hour or more.

Meeting Schedule

20:00 05-JulMonthly Virtual AG meetingOnline Zoom Meeting
20:00 02-AugMonthly Virtual AG meetingOnline Zoom Meeting

The times vary to try and make the calls work for different time zones. We regularly welcome members from: -

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • UK
  • USA.

Calls are recorded and made available to all members through MERG TV; presentation materials are also available.

Area Group Coordinator

Allan Geekie - you can contact Allan using the MERG Area Group contact form

Meeting Topics

In April 2020 we carried out a poll of VAG members and the following topics were identified as the most popular: -

  • How kits work - a series of calls, each discussing the how one particular kit works - now schuduled
  • Types and use of baseboard connectors - covered in Demystifying Components -Wires and Connectors
  • Oscilloscopes and logic analysers for hobbyists - being planned as a two part course.
  • Using the FCU - a multi part course is being considered including the use of the FCU to configure individual 2nd generation modules.
  • Testing boards (use of various pieces of test equipment and the way to go about it) - A Test Gear Buyers Guide is already scheduled; other calls to be added.
  • Neater Methods of under board wiring
  • Best practice for wiring different bus types
  • Layout control buses
  • CBUS wiring strategy on a large club O gauge layout - scheduled
  • CANPAN wiring
  • Servo and Servo Mounts
  • Building CANVOUT
  • Prusa 3D Printer
  • 3D scanners
  • Photogrammetry - generating 3D models from multiple photographs
  • CBUS Beginners Kit.

Members can suggest topics at any time using the member email system.

Members can access more information here.

public/vag.1593766985.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/03 09:03 by uppermill

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